Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hand outs

Today I had to step out of my comfort zone! We need 600 cupcakes for 5th grade Graduation at my daughter's school! Now whether or not I believe that 5th grade Graduation is necessary is irrelevant because I happen to be the "lead" teacher's homeroom mom, so I recently learned this is my duty!

Apparently asking for donations from local businesses also goes along with PTA fun! I hate asking for donations for anything. Maybe it is because I have 5 kids, and I never want to be the crazy woman with 5 kids who asks for handouts. Maybe it is because I am a chicken. Either way, not comfortable to me. Well, along with my new found confidence as a budding blogger I chatted with the Sam's manager and "VOILA!" $25.00 in free cupcakes! See, it is that easy! Look out neighbors and family I just may ask you for some freebies next!

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