Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Gold Digger

Sophia and I have started working. She is going to Mom's Day Out at our Church, 4 TIMES A WEEK, and I am working there as the Chapel/Music & Movement Teacher/Floater. To put it mildly, it has been a rough 3 weeks. I have a lot I want to say about all of this, but tonight, just a funny. (I have mounds of laundry calling my name.)

Sophia and I were talking about using a Kleenex at school when we have nose issues. She said sometimes blowing and wiping do not work. What she really needs to do is "stick my finger in." I said well, what does Mrs. Patti say about that and she replied, "She doesn't know, I hide when I am doing it."


Susan said...

at least she is honest..hope the next few weeks are easier..:)

Tammy said...

I hope it gets much easier, Amy! I'm going to be a substitute at Garrett's preschool this year - 1st time I will get paid for something in over 11 years. Baby steps is what it is going to take for me to every get back to the "working world". I bet those little kids love you.