Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Back in the Day

We were at the doctor yesterday getting Katie checked out for flu, (positive for Type A). Bring it on.

Sophia behaved nicely, and made us laugh with her versions of "I Spy." Afterwards she wanted a sticker. They were pretty picked over, high volume at the doctor's office these days. She saw a Bob the Builder and she said ok, that'd be fine, "I never saw that, I mean I saw that 5 years ago."

Hmm...just turned 4...ok.

Friday, September 18, 2009

My Sweet Rose

Sophia Rose - 4 months old

Sophia Rose - 4 years old
Happy Birthday my sweet girl! I tease and say that you are so attached to me. The truth is I am totally attached to you! You make us laugh, you help us to grow in patience, you can melt us with your hugs, and you help us to slow life down a little. You have blonde hair!?! It hasn't been easy, but the best things in life never are. I love you and am forever grateful that God allowed me to be your mom! You are my heavenly gift, a blessing to our family!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Gold Digger

Sophia and I have started working. She is going to Mom's Day Out at our Church, 4 TIMES A WEEK, and I am working there as the Chapel/Music & Movement Teacher/Floater. To put it mildly, it has been a rough 3 weeks. I have a lot I want to say about all of this, but tonight, just a funny. (I have mounds of laundry calling my name.)

Sophia and I were talking about using a Kleenex at school when we have nose issues. She said sometimes blowing and wiping do not work. What she really needs to do is "stick my finger in." I said well, what does Mrs. Patti say about that and she replied, "She doesn't know, I hide when I am doing it."

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Not so Fast

I might have mentioned before that my littlest child has a personality that, at times, is a bit challenging. This weekend at Mass, she was a little tired, which means...Mom and Dad, you better be on your toes. We had been juggling her, putting her shoes back on, taking pens out of her hand that she had swiped from my bag, we even had to take her to the back of the church a couple of times, something that we've mostly outgrown. It was one of those days.

She loves putting the envelope in the basket, and Omar tried handing it to her, as a reward for such good behavior. (We are so consistent.) Even if we aren't consistent, she is. Her behavior hadn't changed, she wouldn't take the envelope from him, so Omar just put it in the basket.

Well, for the grand finale, the piece de resistance, when the basket passed her, she decided she wanted it and snatched it right back out of the basket. We were shocked, snatched it right back and put it back in the basket. Of course then the big kids were doing all they could not to crack up. That really helps to minimize bad behavior. Talk about a 3 ring circus at Mass. I am not saying this is good parenting, but sometimes we are shocked into submission.

If you would have asked me 15 years ago, if any of my children would have ever behaved in such away, I would have assured you there was no way in...any child of mine could ever do such a thing. Another fun lesson in humility.